Location: Arizona, United States

Welcome to my site. I will be Chronicling the construction of our new home. Here is a brief history of my experiance in this area. I moved every few years as a child. As an adult I stayed in one house for 25 years, but helped remodel it four times. From a minor bath redo to adding an entire second story to the house. Now my husband and I have moved to AZ to care for my elderly parents and are undertaking to be the owner/builders of a custom home. Some people don't like change but I guess I'm not one of them. Or perhaps it is just limited change I like. To my husband's current dismay I helped build a 4000 square foot house in Romania in 2001. We took it from slab to fully furnished in 11 days. I therefore have meager patience for the pace of building here in Arizona.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

We Await the Monsoons

It has been a while since the last word from me. We had a gorgeous spring here in Arizona. Despite my last photos, an Arizona spring is actually YELLOW. From the trees, mesquite and palo verdes, to the mid-size bushes, creosote and brittlebush, to the smallest wildflowers, everything is yellow. As the spring drew to a close, the wildlife came out, well the reptiles anyway. Here you see a diamondback rattlesnake and a Gila Monster. And then there was the scorpian in our closet last night. Ah, the joys of desert living!!!!


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