Location: Arizona, United States

Welcome to my site. I will be Chronicling the construction of our new home. Here is a brief history of my experiance in this area. I moved every few years as a child. As an adult I stayed in one house for 25 years, but helped remodel it four times. From a minor bath redo to adding an entire second story to the house. Now my husband and I have moved to AZ to care for my elderly parents and are undertaking to be the owner/builders of a custom home. Some people don't like change but I guess I'm not one of them. Or perhaps it is just limited change I like. To my husband's current dismay I helped build a 4000 square foot house in Romania in 2001. We took it from slab to fully furnished in 11 days. I therefore have meager patience for the pace of building here in Arizona.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Who Will Win the Race?

Officially the monsoons have begun. The definition is that the average dew point for the day be above 54 degrees for three days in a row. So "officially" the monsoon season began on this past Monday. We have had thunder and lightening shows for the past 3 nights, but not too much rain. It is still pretty scattered. Tonight we were at the lot and watched a huge cloud coming from the south across the city. Some rain fell at the lot but as we drove home we found the nearby roads running with runoff. Obviously the heavy rain had missed us. We are scheduled to have our roof dried in (sealed) on Wednesday, July 27th. That means we need little or better yet NO rain on the 26th and the 27th. The remnants of Hurricane Emily may arrive in our area on Saturday, which would certainly mean we would get soaked. So we continue to hope and pray that we can get the roof done before we get the rain we really need. As you can see from the pictures below the framing is nearly done. All the unique nooks and niches are going in now. It is truely beginning to look like the house we envisioned!
P.S. As I sat finishing this I heard a rustling outside the window and a faint, musky odor. A quick look and yes indeed the javalina family was visiting the neighborhood.


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