Location: Arizona, United States

Welcome to my site. I will be Chronicling the construction of our new home. Here is a brief history of my experiance in this area. I moved every few years as a child. As an adult I stayed in one house for 25 years, but helped remodel it four times. From a minor bath redo to adding an entire second story to the house. Now my husband and I have moved to AZ to care for my elderly parents and are undertaking to be the owner/builders of a custom home. Some people don't like change but I guess I'm not one of them. Or perhaps it is just limited change I like. To my husband's current dismay I helped build a 4000 square foot house in Romania in 2001. We took it from slab to fully furnished in 11 days. I therefore have meager patience for the pace of building here in Arizona.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Some Interesting Links

Actually it is too early in the morning for me to figure out how to make a link, but there is a great blog I've been viewing for the last week or so about the destruction and recovery in the Gulf. It is: . On Saturday they added a link from their site to one of an ex-professor, who is a photo journalist with the NYTimes. His montage of damage from Katrina is very moving. Their link is on the right side of the screen.
As far as our house, drywall should be done by this afternoon and inspected tomorrow. I hope to get a photo of it soon (we have forgotten the camera the last 2 days!).


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